In the mainly artificial world that represents our office environments, we feel the need to relate to natural matters.
HOTDESK is a collection of «deskware», offering a sensitive and charming way of enjoying a tea or a coffee at a desk,
entirely created from natural materials.
«Slowly» made in the mountains of Kyoto district, masterly curved, urushi lacquered from chestnut wood blocks,
HOTDESK objects are light, heat isolating and offer a soft sound while in contact with the desk.
Its design explores the limits of this wonderful knowhow, playing with variations of thickness to offer
the best interface between man and its drink in the office.
HOT DESK objects let see the wood lines, there are tinted with black or red natural pigment,
lacquered with the resin extracted from urushi tree and underlined with gold leaf.
Designed by Elisabeth Vidal (France)
Item No:XX-000